Recommended Reading

Forbes: Why Sales Enablement Is Critical To Your Post-Pandemic Growth Strategy
For your business, it’s time to prepare for the future of sales enablement, rather than assume you can go back to methods or strategies that worked pre-pandemic. See how to begin the process in this article:
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Forbes: How The Right Sales Process Can Help You Stay In Business And Grow
In any business, defining a clear sales strategy is vital for long-term success. In this article, we discuss what your business can do to implement the right sales strategy and help your business to grow
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Forbes: Using A Negotiation Mindset To Win More In Sales
Typically in sales, there is always some kind of pushback from the other side. While this can sometimes be difficult to overcome, using a negotiation mindset in your sales strategies has the potential to make all the difference in turning leads into customers. Find out how to use a negotiation mindset in this article:
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Forbes: 4 Savvy Sales Strategies To Try For Success In 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced sales leaders to completely rethink how they operate, in an attempt to overcome new challenges in strategic, thoughtful ways. For sales leaders determining how to do this in the coming year, these four suggestions can guide your decisions and inspire a forward-thinking approach.
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Forbes: This is how the pandemic improved customer service
The Covid-19 pandemic has made companies think again about their long-term strategy, with many being forced to restructure or shut-down while the country bounces back from a year of lockdowns and social distancing. Customer service is also changing – read how in this article.
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Forbes: Customer Engagement Is Your Secret Weapon To Beat The Competition
The long-term growth and overall success of your business depends can often depend heavily on your customer engagement strategies. Find out why customer engagement can be your secret weapon to beat the competition in this article.
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Entrepreneur: 14 proven ways to improve your communication skills
Successful business leaders are able to draw on their communication skills to improve relationships with both customers and key stakeholders. So, how can you improve your communication skills and become a more successful leader?
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